
Focused Breath

The breath is everything in the practice of Holy Yoga. The focused breath is the most foundational aspect of any Holy Yoga practice. Learn what it is and how to do it by watching here.

Victorious Breath

The breath is everything in the practice of Holy Yoga. The victorious breath is the most dynamic aspect of any Holy Yoga practice. It is the breath that is used in the actual movement of the body during yoga. Its powerful and requires awareness. Learn what it is and how to do it by watching here.

Dealing with Insecurities

So you think you can’t do this thing called Holy Yoga? You feel clumsy and self-conscious? Join the club. You are not alone in that…however YOU have a way out of that nonsense. The Word of God. Lets take every thought captive and make it obedient to the One who has called us to our mats in the first place. He is faithful to renew our minds and change our hearts.