• From downward facing dog bring the right knee behind the right hand
  • Sweep the ankle towards the left hand and rest the leg on the ground
  • Inhale: lengthen the spine and draw shoulders back, down and away from ears. Exhale: slide the left leg back and level the hips
  • Draw the belly in and up and lift gently out of the hips.
  • Inhale: Bend the left knee Exhale: Reach the left hand back and connect with the top of the foot or toes
  • Rotate the shoulder so that the elbow is pointing towards the sky and the thumb is pointing down the spine. Keeping the hand connected to the foot.
  • Inhale:Draw the shoulders down, open the heart and lengthen the spine Exhale: Bring the left hand to meet the right
  • Breathe here for three cycles.
  • To exit- slowly without sling shotting, let go of the foot and lower the leg back to the ground.
  • Place the hands on the ground, lift the hips and step the right leg back to down dog
  • Repeat other side.