Flying Monkey

Stand in the center of your mat, facing the long edge. Step your feet about 3 ½ feet apart. Both feet should be facing the to the front of the body. Inhale: lengthen the spine and open the heart Exhale: begin to shift your weight into the left leg. Inhale: bend the left knee Exhale: …

King Pigeon

From downward facing dog bring the right knee behind the right hand Sweep the ankle towards the left hand and rest the leg on the ground Inhale: lengthen the spine and draw shoulders back, down and away from ears. Exhale: slide the left leg back and level the hips Draw the belly in and up …


Start from a low squat, bring both hands in front of the body. Place hands on the mat, spreading the fingers, ground through the heels of the palms. Grip the mat with all ten fingers and bend the elbows, hugging them in towards the ribs. Inhale: Begin to lift the hips, coming onto the toes. …

Fallen Star

Begin in Downward Dog. Raise right leg then draw knee to nose, stacking shoulders over wrists. Extend right leg beneath body placing outer edge of flexed foot on floor off the mat Heel of left foot drops to the right; inside edge of left foot lowers to floor, remaining flexed. Left hand reaches high; wrists …


Start in a kneeling position. Interlace the fingers to the knuckle. Place your forearms on the mat, elbows aligned with shoulders creating a box shape. Place your forehead on mat with your crown in the cage of your hands. Inhale: tuck your toes and lift hips, bringing them over shoulders. Stay here or lift one …


Lie on your belly on the mat Bend your knees, bring your feet into the air and keep your knees hip-width apart Reach back and take hold of the tops of your feet Inhale: lengthen spine and gaze at the mat just in front of you Exhale: press the tops of your feet firmly into …


For Bridge: Lying on back, place feet flat on mat 3-5 inches from bottom. Feet hip-width apart. Slide shoulders away from ears; reach fingers toward heels. Inhale: Lift hips off mat without squeezing glutes. Optional: Interlace fingers beneath your back roll to outer shoulders; broaden chest and lift hips for greater extension. Press back of …

Forearm Balance/Scorpion

If you are new to arm balances… Place the short edge of your mat against an empty wall Come into downward facing dog with your hands shoulder distance apart, fingertips at the wall Inhale: lengthen your spine.  Exhale: firm your low belly and lower your elbows to the floor, coming into dolphin pose. Keep your …


NOTE: this posture is contraindicated for folks with knee injury or replacement Kneel in the center of your mat: knees slightly apart, feet just wider than hip distance Inhale: lengthen your spine.  Exhale: start to take your hips back toward your heels, lean your body slightly forward As you descend, reach down and take hold …


Kneel in the center of your mat: knees hip distance apart, thighs vertical, toes tucked under Inhale: lengthen your spine.  Exhale: soften your groins. Inhale: lift your heart towards the sky.  Exhale: place your palms just beneath the small of your back, or reach back and take hold of your heels. Keep your gaze forward …